Where Fast Loan Decisions Are Made Locally By People You Know Within The Community

Make The Switch To Bank Local Today & Benefit!

Get a complimentary $20 gift card to a local restaurant / store of your choosing when you open a new checking account (either Business checking or Personal checking).One gift card per relationship. Valid only for new accounts that are opened between September 19, 2024 and October 31, 2024.

*Required minimum balances may apply.

Fill Out The Form Below By October 31, 2024 To Start The Process:

After filling out this form, a member of our team will be in touch with you based on how you prefer to be contacted. 

Please have two forms of ID in order to set up a new account with us. These two forms of ID, include a driver’s license / state ID and a secondary form of ID (such as birth certificate, Social Security Card, Passport, Health Insurance Card, etc). We recommend leaving yourself approximately one hour of time in order to get everything situated as a new customer.

Fleetwood Branch Flooding Update: The Fleetwood Branch re-opens Wednesday, February 5. The drive-thru is still closed due to flooding. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your patience as we work to quickly resolve this matter. Follow our social media for more updates.


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